Thursday, October 20, 2011

Monday Morning Atheist

Source: Book Monday Morning Atheist by Doug Spada & Dave Scott ISBN978-0-9839628-0-9 Monday Morning Atheist: Someone who believes in God but who works like He does not exist Six Life in Work Principles The work of the righteous leads to life ... Proverbs 10 v16 The personal objective is to have: 1. Clarity – awareness of God’s original purpose for work that helps you live your whole life with greater clarity Genesis 2, Exodus 20 : 8 -11 2. Calling – affirmation of your unique design and how God has strategically placed you at work to fulfill his calling Eph 2 v 10, Psalm 139 3. Balance - alignment with the role of work that allows you to pursue biblical priorities and life balance Colossians 3 v 17 – 4 v1 4. Skills – ability to please God and serve others through the development and excellence of your work skills Proverbs 22v29, 1 Cor 10v31 5. Influence – authenticity in personal character at work as u experience purposeful faith conversations and grow your influence titus 2 v 9 – 10, Matt 5 v16 6. Relationship – alliance with Christ helping you effectively navigate work issues and develop healthy relationships Heb 3v13, James 2v15-17 Action ideas 1. Pray for 3 people you work with – pray privately for his blessings n intervention 2. Begin your day with God – read bible, begin with few verses – may use devotional, or a chapter of proverbs a day over one month (there are 31 chapters) 3. Commit to a higher standard of work – decide to glorify god with your work, better attitude, better service or product 4. Cut out complaints – Complaining is not part of God’s will. Talk to God about the area u want to complain about, seek his help to develop better response 5. Go the extra mile –if u are used to doing the bare minimum – take it one step further – higher than what others require of u – do it every day for one week 6. Cultivate gratitude – be thankful for whatever blessings. At the end of the day, say aloud what u are thankful for each hour of the working day 7. Be slow to anger – when u are frustrated or angry – try reciting a bible verse e.g. Micah 6v8 tells what God expects of u – to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God 8. Work with friends, family or a spiritual mentor to help u identify specific habits or attitudes in your work life god may want to change – commit prayerfully to a small action u can do each day.

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