Sunday, September 30, 2007

Books for Afghanistan

Donate Books to Afghanistan

Have u wondered how u can help the people of afghanistan without going there?

I was a medical Volunteer in NW Afghanistan in 2002 and saw some of the schools which UNICEF have built and met the women teachers and girls.
Education is a powerful tool that will help them fight poverty, the very high mortality rates (1 in 5 kids die before their 5th birthday) and fanatic indoctrination and oppression.

If you have books or professional journals - you can donate them to build up the libraries in the schools and universities.

I have recently started collecting for Kabul University Medical faculty - books and journals from doctors I know -
Just from three doctors, we have over 90 medical books, and 168 journals (<7 yrs old).
There are more than 500 doctors in Sarawak, the state where I live in Malaysia, so I expect just by personal contacts alone, to collect much much more.

I am sending the collection to the Afghanistan Embassy in Kuala Lumpur in boxes as and when donors send them, for the embassy to forward to Kabul.

Do contact the embassy closest to you to see how u too can help, and really make a difference!

check out

Your kids books (english) are useful too, for the school libraries.

Check out your Library (or like mine - store room!) and see how your books can be put to more productive use in their lifetime!

For those in Malaysia you may contact

The Ambassador,
Embassy of Afghanistan
5th floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber
258 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
tel 0342569400

Salaam Sejahtera
(in Malaysia this greeting means peace & goodwill to you)

Dr Tan Poh Tin